Analysis Track

Despite all the module handbooks and course information, it is not always easy to find your way through the variety of courses and to structure your studies (B.Sc. and M.Sc. Mathematics) in a meaningful way. With this page, we want to make it easier for you to find your way into Analysis.


Sem Veranstaltung Modul
1 Analysis I Analysis I
2 Analysis II Analysis II
3 Analysis III Fortgeschrittene analytische Methoden
4 Funktionentheorie Grundlagen Bachelor Analysis
5-7 Funktionalanalysis Grundlagen Bachelor Analysis
Spezialisierung Bachelor Analysis
Vertiefung/Wahlpflicht Master
5-10 Partielle Differentialgleichungen
Spezial-VL nach Ankündigung
Spezialisierung Bachelor Analysis
Vertiefung/Wahlpflicht Master
7-10 Operatortheorie
Spezial-VL nach Ankündigung
Vertiefung/Wahlpflicht Master


Analysis cycle

In the first 3 semesters, the analysis cycle equips you for analysis.

Elective options in the Bachelor's degree

In the Bachelor's degree, you can choose courses for the two modules Fundamentals and Specialization. In the area of analysis, the most suitable courses are function theory (complex analysis, analysis II in the complex) and functional analysis (function spaces, infinite-dimensional linear algebra), which are required for all further lectures (not only) in pure and applied analysis.

Elective options in the Master's program

In the Master's program, students must choose courses for the advanced and compulsory elective modules. Lectures from the field of analysis can be combined as desired in order to achieve the required ECTS.

Many courses can be used for several modules. Some build on each other. Prerequisites can usually be found in the announcements. If you have any questions, please contact us!